
The organisation of a good network contributes to the local approach in several ways and is based on the phenomena described above and the local and/or regional context. This network consists of professionals who play a role in the approach and who may come into contact with individuals who are becoming radicalised and civil society. A description of the relevant parties and organisations can be found here.

The network contributes to the local approach by identifying and coordinating indicators and cases. The network can also help implement interventions from different perspectives, especially within the framework of the targeted prevention discussed in Chapter 3.

Setting up a good network not only makes sense when it comes to combating radicalisation and extremism, but also helps tackle other issues, such as subversion, and frequently the key roles are fulfilled by the same people. The topic of radicalisation, extremism and terrorism can also be put on the agenda of existing consultation structures within the network.

Local network

Municipalities build up a picture of the required network based on knowledge of phenomena and the local and/or regional context. The different phenomena may require different networks. Professionals directly involved in the approach at the local level work:

  • at municipalities: in social, education, care and security domains;
  • in Community Safety Partnerships
  • for the police;
  • for the Public Prosecution Service;
  • the Dutch Probation Service (for people who are in/already out of detention);
  • the Child Protection Board (for underage people and people with children);
  • the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (local advisors);

Professionals working for various organisations may come into contact with individuals who are being radicalised or expressions of radicalism in their daily work and contacts. These organisations include:

  • the municipality:
    • the security domain (e.g. special investigating officers (Boas);
    • the social and care domain (e.g. debt relief, care and welfare and Social Support Act (Wmo));
    • the youth domain (e.g. those involved in working with young people and youth workers, education, the domestic violence and child abuse advice and reporting centre ‘Safe at Home’ (Veilig Thuis));
    • other (e.g. civil affairs department, front desk staff, post room and field staff);
  • the police (e.g. neighbourhood police officers);
  • education: (teachers, school attendance officers);
  • healthcare: (e.g. GPs, mental healthcare (GGZ), Municipal Health Service (GGD));
  • housing associations;
  • bailiffs;
  • the immigration system (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)).

National network

In addition to local parties who (can) play a role, there are also national or regional organisations that can become involved in the local approach:

Several private organisations and professionals have expertise in the field of radicalisation and extremism. They can, for example, offer support when it comes to interpreting indicators, they can provide training, or they can play a role in evaluating (elements of) the local approach.

Civil society

Civil society can be made up of socially engaged organisations, partnerships or individuals that want to play a role in disseminating knowledge of the local approach and professional network. Which representatives from which civil society are relevant may differ for each phenomenon. They could include a sports club, a (religious) foundation or an individual.

Building on trust

Tackling radicalisation and extremism means striking a balance between targeted prevention and mitigating measures. The expression 'fix the roof when the sun shines' also applies in this context. Building a network requires empathy from all parties concerned, as well as cooperation, reciprocity and trust. In times when the proverbial sun shines, networks need to become familiar with each other, each other's tasks and competences. The same applies to the network of professionals, but perhaps even more so to civil society. Proactively communicating each partner's social goals, interests and ways of working will help build respectful cooperation. This trust is necessary in times of crisis, when hard measures may have to be taken and partners need each other. See also the guide entitled How to deal with networks as collaborative partners (Hoe om te gaan met netwerken als samenwerkingspartner) by the Social Stability Expertise Unit.

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