Eleventh progress report on counterterrorism and Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 19
Since its establishment, the NCTb has issued ten semi-annual progress reports on counterterrorism. In addition to a summary of the most recent Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands (DTN), these reports dealt with the progress of the development and implementation of various components of counterterrorism policy. Before you lies the eleventh counterterrorism progress report.
After five years of reporting on developments in counterterrorism policy, we elected in this report to make a selection of themes that are currently politically or socially relevant, or relevant with respect to policy planning, or that otherwise attract attention. This does not mean that no progress has been made as regards other themes, but these are, as stated, fully underway, or part of a long-term negotiation process. Perhaps these themes will indeed be dealt with again in a future report as a result of new developments. By selecting a certain number of themes, we have also created the space to discuss several subject in a more indepth manner, and to provide more detailed insight into the problems and
(policy) solutions involved.
The threat level for the Netherlands will be lowered from substantial to limited. Limited means that the chance of a terrorist attack against (the interests of) the Netherlands is relatively small, but that it certainly cannot be entirely ruled out. An evaluation of the national and international dimension of the terrorist threat compared with the resilience has led to this conclusion.