Twelfth progress report on counterterrorism and Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 21

The report concerns the progress made in the last six months in the development and implementation of the various components of counterterrorism policy. The following components are dealt with, in consecutive order: the countering of radicalisation, international cooperation in this area, the creation of decisive instruments and organisation, human rights issues, and the implementation of security measures. As in the eleventh report, a 
selection has once again been made of the themes that are currently relevant from the perspective of politics, society or policy planning, or that otherwise stand out. This does not mean that no progress has been made with respect to other themes, but these are in any case well under way.

The threat level for the Netherlands remains ‘limited’. No specific indications for attacks against the Netherlands have become known at the time of
this DTN either, but the chance of an attack certainly cannot be excluded. The profile of the Netherlands continues to fit the image of ‘the enemy’ as seen by the international jihadist movement.