National Counterterrorism Strategy

The possibility of terrorist violence in the Netherlands will remain in the years ahead, with a threat being posed by both jihadism and right-wing terrorism. To protect national security and democratic rule of law, the Netherlands has adopted a sustainable, robust and flexible approach to terrorism. A wide range of partners - the intelligence and security services, police, investigation services, judicial system, municipalities, local professionals and many others - are all committed to preventing terrorist violence. The perpetrators of terrorist offences are investigated, prosecuted and punished and the social impact of violence is limited as much as possible.

The national counterterrorism strategy set out in this document describes the measures in place for 2022-2026. In general, this approach follows the existing course of counterterrorism. However, extra attention is necessary for the threat posed by potentially violent, extremist lone actors. Also, the growing role played by the online domain calls for innovative (technological) solutions to facilitate the detection and combating of the dissemination of violent extremist and terrorist content. Special attention will also be given to measures designed to ensure the safe reintegration of individuals after detention. The implementation of these safe reintegration measures will also start while individuals are still in detention. To be ready to respond to current and new threats, it is vital to continue to learn. With this in mind, the Netherlands will continue to draw on and develop its existing capacity and knowledge.