Documents - State threats
10 documents of State threats
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Phenomenon analysis ‘Crossing Borders’
Hundreds of thousands of foreign residents in the Netherlands are seen by authorities of other countries, as their own nationals ...
Infosheet Threat Assessment State-sponsored Actors - 2
Threat Assessment State-sponsored Actors (TASA)
This Threat Assessment State-sponsored Actors (TASA) is a joint analysis of the General Intelligence and Security Service ( ...
Public survey on disinformation
Fake news, disinformation and information manipulation: all these terms have quickly become commonplace in the Netherlands ...
Analysis of the hybrid threat
This document deals with the threat to national security from hybrid conflict, which is defined as follows: A conflict between ...
Letter to the House of Representatives - National security and 5G
Letter of 1 July 2019 from Minister of Justice and Security Ferdinand Grapperhaus and State Secretary for Economic Affairs and ...
Appendix letter to the House of Representatives - State threats
As discussed in the accompanying letter, our approach to countering state threats consists of a number of generic measures. Given ...
Letter to the House of Representatives - State threats
An open society with an open economy is the foundation of our form of social organisation and the source of our prosperity. Our ...
What are state threats?
State actors are becoming increasingly assertive about pursuing their national interests, and they are prepared to use ...
Countering state threats
Our approach to countering state threats is focused on protecting the Netherlands' people, infrastructure and information.