Documents - Counterterrorism

76 documents of Counterterrorism

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  1. Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 51

    On the basis of DTN51, the current threat level is ‘significant’ (level 3). At the time of publication of the previous threat ...

    Publication | 19-12-2019

  2. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 50

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at 4 (‘substantial’) on a scale of 1 to 5, which means that there is a real chance ...

    Publication | 04-07-2019

  3. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 49

    The threat of a terrorist attack in the Netherlands is substantial, and the chance of an attack is real. This state of affairs is ...

    Publication | 11-03-2019

  4. Report: Fluctuating waves of right-wing extremist violence in Western Europe

    The nature, severity and scope of the threat of right-wing extremist violence in Western Europe, including the Netherlands.

    Report | 07-12-2018

  5. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 48

    The threat level for the Netherlands is set at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5, which means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 17-10-2018

  6. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 47

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. This means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 12-04-2018

  7. Letter Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 45

    We are writing to look back at the progress made on counterterrorism policy over the past several months and to reflect on policy ...

    Parliamentary document | 14-12-2017

  8. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 46

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. This means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 23-11-2017

  9. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 45

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. This means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 05-07-2017

  10. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 44

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. This means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 23-06-2017