
146 documents

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  1. Infographic Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 51

    Publication | 19-12-2019

  2. Terrorist Threat Assessment for the Netherlands - DTN 51

    Video | 19-12-2019

  3. Cyber Blackout

    Video | 01-10-2019

  4. National Security Strategy

    National security is a dynamic and multifaceted issue that requires a solid yet flexible approach. This National Security ...

    Publication | 19-09-2019

  5. Dutch National Risk Assessment

    The aim of the National Risk Assessment is to provide an understanding of the main risks for Dutch national security in the ...

    Publication | 18-09-2019

  6. Analysis of the hybrid threat

    This document deals with the threat to national security from hybrid conflict, which is defined as follows: A conflict between ...

    Publication | 05-09-2019

  7. Letter to the House of Representatives - National security and 5G

    Letter of 1 July 2019 from Minister of Justice and Security Ferdinand Grapperhaus and State Secretary for Economic Affairs and ...

    Parliamentary document | 19-07-2019

  8. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 50

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at 4 (‘substantial’) on a scale of 1 to 5, which means that there is a real chance ...

    Publication | 04-07-2019

  9. Infographic Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 50

    Publication | 04-07-2019

  10. Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands 2019

    The Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands (CSAN) 2019 provides insight into threats, interests and resilience in relation to ...

    Publication | 12-06-2019