
146 documents

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  1. The Security Stratety in short

    Security is a vital asset. It’s a basic necessity of life. Without it, everything we value today and in the future would be under ...

    Publication | 24-08-2023

  2. The CSAN 2023 in a nutshell

    Due to interwovenness of processes in the digital ecosystem, everyone is at risk of experiencing a cyber incident, even if it ...

    Publication | 03-07-2023

  3. Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands 2023

    The Cybersecurity Assessment Netherlands 2023 (CSAN 2023) provides insight into the digital threat, the interests that may be ...

    Publication | 03-07-2023

  4. Infographic Terrorist Threat Assessment for the Netherlands 58

    The DTN is a periodic analysis of radicalisation, extremism and the terrorist threat to the Netherlands. 

    Publication | 29-06-2023

  5. Terrorist Threat Assessment for the Netherlands 58

    On the basis of the 58th edition of the Terrorist Threat Assessment for the Netherlands (DTN), the threat level has been set at ...

    Publication | 29-06-2023

  6. The Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy at a glance

    People and businesses should be able to benefit fully from participation in the digital society. Security is an essential part of ...

    Publication | 06-12-2022

  7. The Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2028

    In producing the Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy (NLCS), the government’s aim is to achieve a digitally secure Netherlands. ...

    Publication | 06-12-2022

  8. The Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy - Action plan

    Ambitions and actions for a digitally secure society.

    Publication | 06-12-2022

  9. Infosheet Threat Assessment State-sponsored Actors - 2

    Publication | 28-11-2022

  10. Threat Assessment State-sponsored Actors (TASA)

    This Threat Assessment State-sponsored Actors (TASA) is a joint analysis of the General Intelligence and Security Service ( ...

    Publication | 28-11-2022