
146 documents

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  1. Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands 2018

    The Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands (CSAN) 2018 offers insight into threats, interests and resilience in the field of ...

    Publication | 07-08-2018

  2. Infographic Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands 2018

    Publication | 07-08-2018

  3. National Cyber Security Agenda

    In presenting this National Cyber Security Agenda we are taking a crucial step towards a more secure digital Netherlands. This is ...

    Publication | 07-06-2018

  4. Infographic National Cyber Security Agenda

    The NCSA comprises seven ambitions that contribute towards the following objective: The Netherlands is capable of capitalizing on ...

    Publication | 18-04-2018

  5. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 47

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. This means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 12-04-2018

  6. Infographic Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 47

    Publication | 12-04-2018

  7. Factsheet Critical Infrastructure

    Certain processes are very critical for the Dutch society. The failure or disruption of such processes would result in severe ...

    Publication | 01-02-2018

  8. Letter Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 45

    We are writing to look back at the progress made on counterterrorism policy over the past several months and to reflect on policy ...

    Parliamentary document | 14-12-2017

  9. Summary Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 46

    The threat level for the Netherlands remains at ‘substantial’, level 4 on a scale of 1 to 5. This means that the chance of an ...

    Publication | 23-11-2017

  10. Infographic Terrorist Threat Assessment Netherlands 46

    Publication | 23-11-2017